I was lucky enough to score an invite to Clearcable’s 14th Annual Technology Summit 2019 held at the fabulous WhiteOaks Conference Resort and Spa at Niagara-on-the-Lake on June27th.

Clearcable Networks is a specialized telecommunications technical consulting firm focused on the needs of Service Providers by developing of new business revenue streams, maintaining existing infrastructure and proposing new advancements in telecommunications sector globally.
The Summit is a chance for the experts at Clearcable to bring in customers and partners and deliver to them up-to-date information on topics of interest to telecom service providers.
The topics covered included overviews of our connected future, the promise of 5G, Challenges with IoT data and security and Next Get PON (Passive Optical Networking). And that was just before lunch ! The afternoon covered Metered learning, Distributed Architecture and Remote Phy, LoRaWan for IoT, Evolution of cable networks, Routing Security and the Connected Home.
The amount of information presented made for a very full day of learning. It was also a chance to network with high level people from across the country in different industries all dealing with providing telecom solutions. It was a pleasant change for me to meet people from outside of my usual circle of contacts, (as well as discuss basketball with some new friends from the USA).
So thank you to my friends at Clearcable for inviting me and I already look forward to next years Summit !
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